RFC: how to do a ‘community’ book

Posted on Thu 02 January 2014 in blog

As I mentioned a while ago, the book I worked on last year is almost out. That one was group project - there were about a dozen of contributing sections and data, and then Renee came in and cleaned it up into plain English. I think that works well for overview books, but I’d like to do another one with a stronger point of view and narrower focus — there are things you can say effectively in your own voice that are hard to pull off in the third person.

On the other hand, in any technical field like this there’s also a big range of options - no matter how much you’ve been around, there are always weird corner cases and oddball gotchas that other people have to live with even though you’ve never even heard of them. I’d love to figure out a way to get the whole TA crowd involved in making the next book better and more comprehensive.

Has anybody got a good model for how to involve a big internet community into the evolution of a book?